Classe is one of the most dependable brand names when it comes to high-end audio systems. For years the brand has been recognized by audiophiles throughout the world as equipment that delivers clear and consistent quality in music.
What are the specs for the CA-2100?
- Phase:
- < -10 (22kHz)
- Sensitivity:
- 1.0Vrms
- Height:
- 4.75 (121 mm)
- Rated power consumption:
- 260W
What else to know about the CA-2100?
All Classé analog amplifi cation stages are based on circuits that have been circuit design extensively optimized over many years of continuous development. By starting with excellent circuit designs and working with them over the years, we are able to discover the many small refi nements that add up to superlative performance, in a variety of applications. Altering a voltage here, or using a slightly diff erent part there, may make all the diff erence between solid and absolutely outstanding performance. Th is level of refi nement only comes with a great deal of experience, and is not available to those who fl it from one trendy notion to the next. It accounts in no small measure for both the consistency of sonic performance among Classé products (as they are all based on similar analog gain stages), and for the consistently excellent reviews those products receive by owners and reviewers alike.Brief History of Classe
“There has to be something better.” - Mike Viglas, 1979. Classé was founded. Their first amplifier, the DR-2, was introduced in 1980. It was a 25W stereo amplifier operating in class A, which inspired the name of the new company. Other models followed and Classé quickly earned a reputation for both reliability and its open, natural, authoritative sound.
Other Classe Products We Often Buy
Typically, StereoBuyers purchases mostly used amplifiers, especially the vintage amps and high-end Classe models.
StereoBuyers has purchased tens of thousands worth Classe brand equipment since 2014, with individual buys ranging from $100 to well over $50,000. If you are moving, ready to upgrade, or have Classe equipment you do not or will not be using, why not contact us today to find out if it is worth good money?
If you are interested in selling your used Classe equipment to us in the greater NYC area or Colorado, please click here to fill out a Free Quote Form and we will get back to you. If we agree on terms, we come to meet you where you want, and pay cash.
The following images show actual Classe equipment purchased by StereoBuyers.